Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain

Friday, June 15, 2012


Again, I am super late in writing this post. We hiked the Tripyramids on June 15... and when I say tripyramids, I mean we hiked all three even though only two count as official 4,000 footers! We were up in NH that weekend for bike week so we had the motorcycle with us. Definitely got some funny looks for being in our hiking clothes rather than in leather on the bike haha.

We parked the bike on the side of the Kancamagus Highway, and set off up the Pine Bend Brook Trail. We hiked over each of the three peaks and back equaling just over 10 miles RT. We made sure we had the sunblock, even stopping to buy a new bottle before the hike, but neither of us thought about bug spray! The black flies and mosquitoes were so bad we couldn't stop to take a break! If you stopped for more than a minute the bugs swarmed like crazy. We also saw large toads sunbathing right in the middle of the trail, unaffected by our presence.

It seemed as if this trail was not as popular as the other trails because the rocks were covered in growth and were very slippery at times.  The trail was also very muddy at the start= mosquito heaven. Unfortunately, since none of the peaks were above tree line, they did not offer great views which is always disappointing considering the amount of effort hiking takes! Overall, it was a good hike but next time I would try a different trail.

Here are some pictures!

Hiker and a biker!
Excited to start the hike!
Start of the hike
Huge toads were all over the trail
Very fitting since I like to sleep :)
Unfortunately, the views weren't that spectacular
Waterville Vally
Mt. Chocorua zoomed in

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